Capleton and The Prophecy Band

  • Written by 
  • Monday, 20 May 2013 15:16
(2 votes)

13.05.2013, Reigen, Vienna


Capleton & the Prophecy Band, Droop Lion, Jah Thunder, Souldja

This night was a rare night where I felt back into memories of the days I spent in the Caribbean. But NO it was not in the Caribbean, it was in the middle of Europe, at the Reigen, Vienna.

It all started with the Austrian band Souljah. I must confess its either I don't like German Hip Hop or Reggae that much and so my expectations of Souldja were not high ones. I did not know of the band until this evening.  I'd just heard about them over time and their mix of music is Austrian slang reggae. Now I'd have to apologise, at first that I did not know much about them earlier and second that I had been prejudice of the Austrian slang reggae. Souldja does not only sing in German, they make a perfect mix with English. Souldja Reggae is finest Roots music, with wise words and an already established musical base. Will this band be the future representatives of Austria's Reggae scene worldwide? I hope YES. I like them.

After Souldja, The Prophecy Band built up their equipment and started to play for the soundcheck. That's really crazy, these 4 guys started to play and the vibe just hit my body. The sound was perfect, the technique was superb, every note was a perfect game of vibe to the next note. This is the difference between Jamaican and other Reggae bands. Jamaicans have the extra plus, which are not exactly quantized notes and that makes their GROOVE and VIBE unique. I could listen to just this band alone the whole day long. Jah Thunder was a wonderful opening artist and pushed the vibes up to the next level.

Droop Lion, hehehe, when he started I just turned around and looked into people faces. I saw stunning eyes and wide open mouthes. YES, Droop Lion´s performance is not a everyday performance in Europe. When you are in the caribbean and get invited to some special events done by the Rasta Communities then you have the opportunity and joy of watching this kind of performance. It is not a concert, no, it is a ceremony with their Rasta Messengers performing like Droop Lion.

Then the "Fyahman" came on the stage and he was spreading his fire of life, spirit and soul into the Reigen. I've never seen Capleton in a small venue like the Reigen, just at big stages. I must say that in a small venue like the Reigen I could feel his energy much more than on the big stages. When you are that close to this person so full of energy you feel a special feeling of joy. Capleton is one of the fittest artist I know, running, jumping, dancing, waving hands and this for almost two hours. Biggest respect to this great legend of Reggae music.

This Event was really perfect. Thank you to BunFireSquad for the organization. One thing: The Reigen was not completly full! This situation is unacceptable. Vienna massive get out of your winter laziness and support the artists and promoters.

Photos & words by Yeke

Written By:


Yeke, a professional graphic designer and photographer lived abroad for many years based in the Caribbean and the African continent. Through his experience he learned to love the African culture and to appreciate the simple things in life. Besides his work at "", he is currently working as a graphic designer and photographer in the product and event photography.

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