We are the Diaspora, regardless of which continent you are from, we are all people mixed who have home from different homelands and settled on different continents and many of us with one origin.
In anticipation of something different, anxiously awaiting this evening, the night finally came. Just the word theatre caught my attention. I must say that this event was something that many of us should have made time for. An evening filled with humor around what one would say are some of the most sensitive issues we face on a day to day basis, what was purely expressed in a way that brought the audience to tears in laughter.
Perhaps controversial to some but interpreted in black humor, "Integration" was the theme of the evening and integrated it truly was. With Soso (Simplice Mugiraneza), Thomas Maler, Ösi Bua (Cedrick Mugiraneza), Allan Kräuter, Kichanga Brothers Acrobats and the U&U Dance group the evening really was filled with variety of acts.
It always seems to be the same at times, which is so much misconception about the word "Intergration" as it was brought to not only my attention but the audience as well. All it really is, is the bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, that is what "Intergration" means. But to many of us it comes with prejudice and stereotypes without any authentic understanding of where the negativity all stems from. But just for this one particular evening, every all was forgotten and it was something that we could laugh about.
With all the performances put together and staged the only thing that one could have wished when the show came to an end is that it could have been longer, its ironic that we laughed about things while seated, that we would have generally never laughed about. The remedy to that would be to just have a much more simpler perception on matters we take to heart in life and perhaps then only, will we end up having much less stress and become more accommodative to what our surroundings and communities have become, ending up open minded about issues in life that are just simply apart of life.
Sure the evening left many with un answered questions but it surely did strike a nerve.
Thanks to the Schmäh kontra Rassismus Team, it really was a great event and we're definitely looking forward to seeing it happen again next year or perhaps even sooner!!