Prosi Global Charity: Housing Project Nepal and India
It really does take someone with a very generous heart to continue doing the spectacular work he does with the PROSI Global Charity Foundation. Over the past few years PROSI CEO, Mr Prince Pallikunnel has taken on the initiative to help the less fortunate in many countries globally. The changes brought about in these communities helps them further develop into strong structures, by just the little impact made by Mr. Pallikunnel. Continue on this humanitarian journey, for we say what we give we get back ten times in return.
PROSI Global Charity Foundation had undertaken many charity projects around the world. Construction of houses, financial assistance to poor students to complete their education, supply of hearing aid to deaf in many countries.
In 2011 PROSI Global Charity Foundation started its pioneer work by constructing 5 houses to the poor Adivasis (Tribals) of remote village, 70 Kms away from Indore, Madhya Pradesh in India. Mr. Prince spent one month with the local tribal people for the construction of those houses, supervised it and handed over it to the 5 families, who were realy in need of it.
In 2012, PROSI Charity Project constructed another five houses to the under privilaged people of a remote village in Ghana, West Africa. The entire work was done under the direct supervision of Mr. Prince, Chairman of PROSI Charity Foundation.
In 2013 PROSI Charity Foundation had completed a similar project in Peru, Latin America.
In December 2013 PROSI had conducted a Christmas party named “HOPE 4 THE BEST” exclusively for the homeless people in Austria, in which 350 people participated. Bishop of Vianna, Most Rev. Scharl, inagurated the function. Tastey and delicious food were served, different cultural programmes were performed and collected cloths were distriduted in this occasion.
In 2014 constructed a house for a widow in Kerala India. The blessing was done by Most Rev. Remegius Inchananiyil, the Bishop of Thamarassery dioces.
A Similar project of construction of 5 houses in Nepal was completed on 15th April 2014 in a hilly remote village called Pumbi Bhumbi, 200 Kms away from Katmandu, Nepal.
Our next project will be in Nigeria, Africa.
We thank God, the Almighty for giving us the opportunity to serve those needy and the poor in their strive for life.
Content and Pictures coutesy of : Prosi Exotic Supermarket