Woman in Dub

  • Written by 
  • Saturday, 22 June 2013 11:50
(1 Vote)

20.06.2013, Café Leopold, Vienna


The heat wave did not only come through weather last night, it came through Woman in Dub as well. Soulful sounds and poetic justice by Jazzmine Tutum, Saria Idana and Coshiva.

This great poetic and soulful experience was brought to Vienna by these 3 woman from different spheres of this earth.

Jazzmine Tutum's energy is great, her style of poetry is really melodically haunting and carries with it such an enormous impact, her expression of word is fantastic and reaches a very large audience across Europe and internationally.
Her Project 'Share The Flame' explores the pulse of the diaspora and deals not only with the personal but with what we share universally. It deals with voyages between wisdom and knowledge, the vulgar sellout of globalisation and the simple joys of the dubical. 'Share the Flame' is a spark, a message and a vibe. It is about touching the living breathing world with living breathing words!

Saria Idana's soulful voice and style I found very catchy, found myself tuning into this songstress and what she had to share with the audience that I shared this experience with.
About Saria Idana:
Saria Idana, is a vocalist, actor and writer committed to art and entertainment that uplifts and educates. Originally from New York, she has traveled widely. Idana has worked in aesthetically experimental projects as a means to support the stories she is committed to telling, but is currently engaging the use of more mainstream aesthetics as a vehicle for them. Such stories include those that examine the violence of patriarchy, the complexity of cultural identity and celebrate the unity of love.

Unlike many artist who I have have come across, Coshiva has struck a nerve, she has a very distinctive voice and even though I did not get to hear her perform alone. Having done my research I find her delightful to listen to.

Dubblestandard backed the poetic performance musically, their new Album "Woman in Dub" is finished and available now.

Looking forward to more summer night filled with words that carry the weight that these woman had to showcase.

Photos by Yeke & Lauren, Text written by Lauren

Written By:


Yeke, a professional graphic designer and photographer lived abroad for many years based in the Caribbean and the African continent. Through his experience he learned to love the African culture and to appreciate the simple things in life. Besides his work at "Africanlife.eu", he is currently working as a graphic designer and photographer in the product and event photography.

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