The energy that runs through this mans veins is enchanting, born in the Jamaican capital Kingston, Curt Chalmar Crutchley passion for Reggae started at a very early age. His perseverance over the years is what has made this artist the performer he is to date. Making numerous appearances at different festivals and concerts internationally.

Representing Vienna the line up of artists included Jami Dread (OSF Diaz), Easy B, Kuryol and Ras Askia and how wonderful it is seeing these Viennese artist come together once again to represent Vienna at events like these where other international artist have shows. These guys really know how to keep the audience entertained, Big up!

Melodies from Africa, Roots Music from Southern Africa presented Vienna with an ensemble of Zimbabwean and Austrian, Slovakian, and Madagascan artist at this years event. The sweet voices of acapella female group Nobuntu, BraZaMa featuring Chornisen Choir, Jeys Marabini and Insingizi.

With performances that never seize to amaze the massive, Perfect Giddimani, Uwe Banton, Ganjaman and The House of Riddim Band performance at Fluc Wanne was astoundingly great. In celebration of the Österreichischer Hanf Verband first anniversary, these artist staged a performance that graced the stage with such a great presence that even the few ...

Diesen Donnerstag fand in der Sargfabrik die CD Präsentation von Véro La Reine aus Kamerun statt. Neben Reggaemusik ist die tradionelle afrikanische Musik eines meiner Lieblingsstile und da mir die Musik von Véro La Reine nicht bekannt ist, war die Messlatte an Véro La Reine von meiner Seite sehr hoch. Können Ihre Kompositionen mich bezaubern? Kann ihre Stimme mich fesseln? Kann ihre Showeinlagen mich mitreißen?

Miriam Makeba, nick named Mama Africa was born on the 4 March 1932 deceasedon 9 November 2008. Was a Grammy Award-winning South African singer and civil rights activist in her time.

They say charity begins at home, but for Prince Pallikunnel, the President of the Prosi Global Charity Foundation it seems to simply run through his veins. Prince Pallikunnel, alias "Mr.Prosi" has taken it upon himself to promote human welfare and social reform through his efforts in having established the Prosi Global Charity Foundation that assists the aiding of various needs in different parts of the world.

The 25th October was a hard decision making day for the Viennese massive. Three events on the same day, which one would they choose? From our side at the decision came easily, being that we had to support an artists in our Features-section.

Make me Smile – das Festival machte seinen Namen alle Ehre, die Organisatoren und Bands brachten die anwesende Massive zum Lächeln, doch was am allerwichtigsten sein wird – die gesammelten Geldbeträge werden den Personen in Kenia, welche sie am dringendsten brauchen werden, ein wunderbares Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern.

So vielfältig wie der Herbst die Blätter in leuchtenden Farben scheinen lässt, so unterschiedlich sind auch die diversen Events die Frau Ute Bock unterstützen. Diesmal wurde geladen zu "Bock auf HipHop, Teil 1". Leider muss man sagen, daß HipHop in der Wiener Szene nicht mehr den Stellenwert vergangener Jahre hat, ...

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