

Lauren, a professional communications expert from South Africa, loves to learn new languages and cultures. She is always willing to share her expertise on the African culture and lifestyles. Through her social interactions with others, she decided her own social projects in her homeland to launch Africa.

Luciano "The Messennjah" presence on stage from the moment he step on was bracing, his voice is so powerful in context to the lyrics he sings, really brought his message across to the crowd as he has done over the past few years. The most intriguing part was , seeing the massive's response during his performance.

Orville Richard Burrell a.k.a Shaggy, Mr Boombastic, Mr Lover, goes way back in time, first having pursued his musical career in 1993. Caroline, Its wasn't me and Angel are some of the hit songs that we undoubtedly know are sung by Shaggy. I just feel that there is not much that one can say about Shaggy, he alone has done that all by himself over the years, his resume is so long and world renown. Shaggy made it to the top and the hearts of millions around the world.

Keishera James habors an essence of soul, this sassy lady certainly has a unique sultry voice. I've always comes across artist and perhaps this time I'd personally taken time out to listen to her music, enticed by her lyrics and voice, seeing her on stage had me in awe. Perhaps I needed to connect and experience Keishera live and to my surprise was I drawn in by her beautiful voice, that captivated my soul.

From humble beginning this artist seems to have taken a turn, when he took on the journey and a career following his passion in the music industry. Windel Beneto Edwards a.k.a Gyptian's music stems from Reggae, Roots reggae, Lovers rock, Dancehall.

 |  Saturday, 06 September 2014 11:58

Celebrating an event that consecutively takes places for 20 years is truly amazing. There were not stops to this years celebration, being the 20th Anniversary of Reggae Jam. All the preparation that went into it, from all walks of life started a the beginning of the year and for many while the 2013 event was still taking place not even over.

Published in Entertainment
 |  Sunday, 31 August 2014 14:10

Das Make me Smile Festival ist ein Benefiz-Reggae-Festival zu Gunsten von Make Me Smile Kenya. Mit unseren ersten beiden Festival konnten wir durch die gesammelten Spenden und den Bekanntheitsgewinn der NGO viele bewegende Projekte von Make Me Smile Kenya in Leben rufen, fördern und Menschen im Westen Kenias ein Lächeln aufs Gesicht zaubern!


Torch genuinely has this presence about him, on and off stage, his humble nature carries him way beyond that which he even sees in himself. His music, the lyrics are all such a great ensemble of what this artist represents in this genre of music. Torch's performance at Reggaejam was elevated to another level after having seen him perform in a more intimate space a few months prior to this event. His tantilizing personality and vibrant nature on stage is always something to watch.

R.C. (Righteous Child) a.k.a Ryan Campbell, started off as a shy youth, not exposing and sharing his talent with the world, but in 2002 at the age of 17 he overcame his shyness. Teaming up with Dj Brasco until they took their seperate paths in life. RC then took his own path and started writing his own lyrics and making his won music performing in his community. Initially his name was Righteous Chant but the decision came by a friend who released that R.C. never trod onto the dancehall side of music and never slacked, suggesting Righteous Child which was shortened and are also the initials of his birth names. 2004 came as a year were he spread his wings and made a debut and later again in 2007 and which launched this young musician to new heights. As they say the rest is history.


"Loyal Flames" a.k.a Devar Oliver stennett, another young charasmatic artist where looks can be deceiving...and with him, dynamite comes in a small package. Loyal flames has alot up his sleeve and one can tell by his attitude and energy. At the tender age of 13 Loyal realised how healing music was to the heart, singing in the youth choir at the Sandy Ground Baptist Church, later continuing to follow his passion that was strongly motivated by his friends. For Loyal Flames this is where the 22 year old singer/songwriter conscious journey began.

 |  Thursday, 04 September 2014 00:00

This creative conscious lyricist Keron Salmon a.k.a Kabaka Pyramid is really an evolving artist. His abilities are easily noticed through his creativity in words, his strengthens working through his lyrics. Born in Kingston, Jamaica, reggae  and hip hop music always seemed to have been at the forefront of this youths life and had a great influence on the artist we know to date. 

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