Donisha Prendergast, an Ambassador of Rastafari, a woman who stands bold and firm in her task, brought to our attention the matter that Pinnacle faces to date. A commune called, Pinnacle situated in Saint Catherine Parish, Jamaica, is the cradle of Rastafari. Donisha certainly is making known that there are troubles in paradise and that the birth place of Rastafri needs some acknowlegment, for its treasures could be lost if the fight against those who want to take it away is not defeated.
Not only is Donisha Prendergast an active ambassador, her humble nature trails with her every move in her quest to bring about awareness around the Pinnacle debacle. At the beginning of 2014, an eviction notice was served to the Jamaican Rastafari Community in Saint Catherine Parish at the Pinnacle. A well known development company seems to have aquired the 500-acre property named Pinnacle in 1989, this has brought Jamaica to the pinnacle of historical irony in some sense. " Pinnacle: the legacy of wrongs perpetrated by the Jamaican State and its ruling elite against the Rastafarian movement" - Jamaica Gleaner.
We're all faced with some kind of problems at some point, but this is a cause that is certainly worthwhile standing ones ground for. Whether or not one is Rastafarian, there are simply so many social issues that we deal with on a daily basis. Pinnacle is not the average. There is more to just the portion of land that seems to have wound up in the wrong hands thats needs to brought to light. We're talking about the Cradle of Rastafari... I'd say similar to that which we call the "Cradle of Mankind" in Africa. Would you bury this and pretend it never existed and still live its shadow?
Rastafari being a movement , way of life, be it what you may want to call it, in your following, had a birthing and the Pinnacle is where it all began. This Campaign needs you support, doesn't matter if you are apart of the movement or not. Donisha Prendergast in her own strength has taken on the initiative to play her role and not only following in her grandfather Bob Marley's footsteps. As I woman she strides gracefully on her own, making and bringing the awareness around this campaign, traveling and sharing the history, she too is a film maker, writer, poet and I would say someone who has inspired me in some way.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Donisha saying keep up the wonderful work your doing you have an aura that elevates. I met you, Donisha Prendergast without a title and not Bob Marley's granddaughter... you're amazing and you too surely will leave big footsteps to fill.
We wish you all the best on your quest with the rest of the Occupy Pinnacle Team, that one day soon all will be returned to the rightful hands of the people!
Presentation by Donisha Prendergast on Leonard Howell and the Pinnacle
Leonard Howell " The First Rasta"
Who is Leonard Howell?
- Leonard Percival Howell is the Founder of the RasTafari movement.
- Howell, also known as “Gong Ganguru Maragh” an Hindu title meaning “Teacher of the Famed wisdom” challenged the Colonial system by denouncing the Queen of England and declaring H.I.M Haile Selassie I Sovereign and King of King, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God... Ever living God.
- He is the most persecuted man in Jamaican history. Charged for treason, sent to the asylum, jail and beaten at 80 years old and his attackers tried to cut out his tongue.
- He would transition on February 25, 1981. Bob Marley would transitioned only a few months later on May 11, 1981.
The Promised key…self reliance and self sustainability
- What role did Leonard Howell play in the Liberation & Independence struggles of Africa at Home & Abroad?
- Howell was a Garveyite & member of the U.N.I.A. who, like Garvey, had travelled the world and seen the condition of Africans wherever we lived and wanted to create a solution.
- He registered the RasTafari movement under the name Ethiopian Salvation Society in Harlem in 1932.
- His first book “ The Promised Key” was written and released in Accra, Ghana under the name Gong Ganguru Maragh.
- Howell bought Pinnacle in 1938 from Albert Chang PINNACLE is located in the mountains of Sligoville, which historically is the first free slave village in Jamaica. It is the Birthplace of the RasTafari movement.
- Its existence created a space for the Free thinking Jamaican to create and explore his Independence.
- Howell and the First RasTas, also known as Howellites lived at Pinnacle 1939-1956 ... 16 years Fully self sufficient based on the organic farming of agriculture including GANJA, using bat guano from the caves for fertilizer.
- It was a thriving Utopia of self-reliance through the eyes of Africans in exile.
- On May 23, 1954, the Colonial Police would raid Pinnacle and burn close to 4,000 human beings out of a place to live. Many died in the streets from starvation.
- In 1963, the persecution would increase to a National level with the “Coral Gardens Incident”. Newly elected Prime Minister William Alexander Bustamante would announce “Bring in All RasTas! Who cant fit in the prison will fit in the cemetery.”
Bat cave where Mr. Howell would take refuge from the onslaught of babylon
Police raids
- GANJA planted at Pinnacle in the last 2 years of its Independence 1952-1954. It was becoming a major cash crop for the community, wealth creation,development, the community was growing quickly.
- Police raids took money, jewellery, papers and any kind of literature and books. They extorted Howell. On one raid they took 3 of Mr. Howells cars. He purchased 5 the next time.
- Mr. Howell was determined to Educate the people. They were developing systems and infrastructure to support their growing society. Babylon kept a close eye on them through correspondences with the British Crown.
Miss Gertrude Campbell- Mr. Howell's Secretary
Tabernacle at Pinnacle
Dada's Herbs and Spices
Mr. Howell was a very mystic man who would use Herbs and spices grown at Pinnacle to heal many from the diseases that still plagued us after slavery. Among the Indigenous Herbs grown at Pinnacle Neem, Moringa, Guinea Hen Weed, Burdock Root, Leaf of Life, French Thyme and more...
Organize, Centralize, Mobilize
Occupy Pinacle
A view overlooking some of the hills of Pinnacle
Boutique Hotel being built on Rasta Heritage lands
Soul Jahs at work
Research and Document Heritage
Occupy Pinnacle continue to recovere a number of Heritage items through our archaeological and research efforts. Items include tools, equipment, horse shoes, hand painted clay pots, glass bottles from the 1920’s and more...
Heritage findings
Family coming together
Is your heritage safe?...Who is writing our story?
- Until the Lion/ Lioness tell their own story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
- It is imperative that we all arm ourselves with the relevant information to lift awareness beyond the scope of RasTafari and into the world of our brothers and sisters, some still caught in Mystery Babylon.
- This fight goes beyond the divisions society wants to create between 'Rasta' and the 'General Public'. It calls into question the safety of your History and how much truth the teacher really been teaching...
- His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I tells us ...“Throughout History, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indiffernece of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered the most; that hasmade it possible for evil to triumph.”
Support Occupy Pinnacle
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Tell 5 of your friends to tell 5 of their friends about Pinnacle & Howell´s legacy. Each one, teach one. It takes a Village to Come-Unity.
Redemption Song